
BigBullsLeague Rules

It’s here. It’s now. Show the world, why you are called the champion of #BigBullsLeague!

#BigBullsLeague, is a simple, fun contest, where you can win exciting rewards, for your Stock picking skills.

Show the world, that you are a top talent, when it comes to making winning portfolios, by picking the right stocks, at the right time. Prove that you can read the pulse of markets better than anyone else. And that, you are the best, when it comes to pull the triggers at the right time.

Compete with thousands of other investors and emerge as #BigBullsLeague winner, when your portfolio makes maximum gains, beating the best of the best.

Please note carefully, at present we are not giving away any reward(s) to any of the winner(s), for any of the open BigBullsLeague contest(s)/categories.

Anyone is free to participate in the contest, provided that they are of legal age and have valid credentials towards the same, and they must be a resident/citizen of India & for tax purpose also. The contest winners will always be rewarded inside the territory of India, the reward itself would be redeemable in India only & the kind/quantum/nature of reward would be as per discretion, or as advertised. In the case the reward is of monetary value, it will be in the equivalent of Indian Rupees, after applying conversion policies that is if ZoomStocks credits you with its virtual currency, then after applying the described conversion factor to arrive to the actual rupee value. All these aspects as mentioned in our various rules, policy pages and ongoing/present advertisement(s).

Users can freely make portfolios from amongst 4 available categories, i.e Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly.

By creating a portfolio in the eligible category, you will be automatically entered in to the contest, once you have agreed to all the terms & conditions mentioned.

There is a limit on maximum number of stocks that can be added to portfolios, based on the time category that you choose to enter the contest. This is as listed in the table below:

CategoryMaximum number of Stocks in PortfolioMaximum times a portfolio can be modified

The number of portfolios per contest that you are allowed to make is dependent on your user-level. See the table below:

Numbers of portfolios you can make(please check user-level page)NewSilverGoldPlatinum


Dear ZoomStocks member(s) we have rolled back the prizes that we were giving out as an incentive to people for showing, practicing their skills in stock picking and ability to handle their portfolio.

For now, we are doing away with the prizes that are being given to the top-3 winners in BigBullsLeague contest. Effective April-1, 2024, the prizes that were being awarded till March-31, 2023, will cease to exist going forward.

For complete details on rules & regulations applicable to and governing the BigBullsLeague contest refer to the Rules link on this page or via the "#BigBullsLeague Rules" option in the main menu of the website. This is in addition to all the other binding regulations under the term "One Whole Binding Agreement".

The top-3 winners will still receive certificates from ZoomStocks for showing excellence in virtues of stock picking and managing the same during markets ups-downs.

We will keep on adding more interesting, engaging & meaningful aspects to the BigBullsLeague virtual investing contest, so that you can improve and build better skills/acumen to possibly succeed in investing in the real-life stock markets.

A same user(s)/username(s), in case they have multiple portfolios in a single contest category, then they will not be eligible for multiple prizes in case multiple of their portfolios occupy the top 3 positions in that contest category. Only their best performing portfolio will be considered eligible for the prize on the basis of merit/standing in the said category of the contest.

Any falsification, impersonation, duplicate-identity etc will automatically result in disqualification, with no entitlement to any reward(s) whatsoever, and ZoomStocks reserves the right to block such account(s)/user(s), or/and withdraw their priviliges as deemed fit, including the right to participate in BigBullsLeague.

Wishing best to all the participant(s), and we look forward to see you slaying it in BigBullsLeague day after day!


The winning portfolios shall be selected on basis of net rupee gain/loss weighted by percentage (%) gain/loss, and live-weighted-duration of users portfolios.

To be eligible for receiving rewards, after having conformed to all the policies/rules, the winners must fulfill the steps shared with them, to avail of the rewards. Successful email delivery to the winners, shall be deemed as have been acknowledged & read by them.

The Winners must reciprocate within 7 days (calendar days), to claim their rewards; in absence of which, the rewards shall pass on to the next best performers/winners, order wise, or may be annulled altogether.

ZoomStocks reserves the right to adopt a separate yardstick to ascertain winners, change the reward, add further steps required to claim the rewards, and modify its various policies/rules, without any prior notification. You agree & acknowledge that the decision of ZoomStocks shall be binding and unchallengeable at all times.

The winners of contest(s) will be listed/posted on ZoomStocks website/app, along with all of ZoomStocks’ social media handles, as per our choosing, or not at all, or on discretionary basis as desired.

ZoomStocks will make a maximum attempt of 2 times in 1 calendar week (7 days, including weekends) to communicate via any electronic medium(s) phone-call/sms/email/inbox-message-on-zoomstocks-user-profile-page; in event that you are unreachable, have not responded to any of the communication attempt(s) within the stipulated time, your rewards shall stand forfeited, shall flow over to the next eligible contestant, or even nullified altogether, as deemed fit by ZoomStocks; you explicitly give your consent to agree by ZoomStocks decision and not challenge/contest it.

Any delays in the subsequent/final delivery of the certificate(s) or reward(s) shall not be a liability of ZoomStocks, unless due to a delay at our end itself, and the user(s) shall be notified of the delay in such case, and can also ask our support for the reason.

Any charges/costs related to the process of meeting all the requirements, till subsequent receipt/receiving the reward, and those included in the actual act of being able to/utilizing/using the reward itself, shall be borne by the winner(s), and ZoomStocks cannot be held liable to bear the same, and you agree and give your consent towards the same.

You must be one of the top-3 winners in a particular category/timeframe to be eligible for the rewards. In case of violations of general ethical conduct, using any unfair means, cartelizing, or any other practice used to influence the outcome of the contest, your entry(ies)/portfolio(s) shall be deemed invalid and your account(s) may be blocked, or/and you may also be barred from participating in the portfolio contest(s), or any other contest(s) on ZoomStocks forever.

The selection of the winner(s) shall be unanimously based on the decision, criterion set by ZoomStocks, which can be modified at any point in time, without any prior notification & the contestants undertake to not contest/challenge such decision.

Information/Documents that must be furnished as, and if demanded, in order to be eligible for claiming rewards, if you are one of the top-3 winners in the contest(s), may comprise of any or all of the below, as per the official email sent to you:

  • Full Name
  • Age
  • Address
  • Mobile
  • Your Social media profile handle/ID/link: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
  • PAN Card (self attested)
  • Address proof: Utility bill not older than 3 months, Driving license, Passport, Voter ID (self attested)
  • Photo ID proof: Driving License, Passport, Voter ID (self attested)
  • Photograph (digital)

You certify that such details furnished by you, are authentic, belong to you and only you yourself, and such details/documents are currently valid with the issuing authority.

In the event, it is discovered that the documents/personal-information provided by you is incorrect, falsified, an attempt to impersonate - pass of as someone else, invalid/expired, in such case you shall be disqualified from the contest - same modalities as described in the above paragraphs and various sections of our policies/rules.

ZoomStocks also reserves the right to pursue you to the full extent of legal provisions in case of unfair practices as mentioned above related to the contest itself, any allied aspect of it, or in event of falsification of the information/details/documents furnished by you, as mentioned above.

As, if and when required, the winner(s) may be asked to share the information/news/link about their winning the contest on their social media profiles as asked by ZoomStocks, and they may also be asked to include ZoomStocks link/handle or any promotion lines/hashtags along with it. Winner(s) may also be asked to send in a short video, or a video message(s), or appear on a video call, as per the promotional agenda set by ZoomStocks in regards to the contest. In addition to this, winner(s) may be asked to fulfil any further condition(s)/requisites as laid out in official communication to the winner(s), in order to claim the reward(s)/certificate(s). Failure to do so, shall render your entry(ies)/portfolio(s)/reward(s) forfeited and shall be done with as explained in sections above.

The contestant(s) also explicitly give their consent towards the use of their basic personal information, along with their photograph, ZoomStocks username, links to the relevant posts on their social media as indicated in the preceding paragraph, video/video-snippets, all the particulars related to their relevant/winning portfolio to be displayed/published on any media avenue/format globally, whatsoever, as a marketing/advertising initiative/exercise undertaken by ZoomStocks, as and when deemed fit.

The contestant(s) also give their full consent to storage of their information on our servers, or on the server(s) of our network infrastructure provider. And the contestant(s) also understand that the best possible security mechanisms shall be put in practice by ZoomStocks to safeguard that information, however for reasons beyond our control, and as mentioned in Terms of Service document, ZoomStocks shall not be held liable to loss or compromise of your information, and you explicitly agree not to contest/challenge/legally pursue ZoomStocks for any such instance.

The mode of delivery of contest reward(s) shall be as per the choosing of ZoomStocks, either electronically or physically.

In case the reward(s) are being offered, and in the event they are redeemable at, or if to be delivered via a 3rd party, then for all and any modalities regarding the reward(s), or the usage of it, the winner(s) are required to contact the 3rd party directly, for any support or queries whatsoever, however, the winner(s) may also choose to contact/inform ZoomStocks regarding the issue if any, but, ZoomStocks can’t be held liable/responsible for any issues whatsoever, and no onus will be on ZoomStocks to resolve the issue; total onus falls on the winner(s) and any matter whatsoever should be dealt directly and in its entirety with the 3rd party. The winner(s) acknowledge this, agree to abide by this and give their consent to not challenge/legally-contest ZoomStocks for any such occurrence.

How to play #BigBullsLeague contest

  • Click on   Start Practicing!! button (desktop), or click on  Invest button (mobile bottom menu)
  • Choose a category in which you want to make your portfolio & compete in BigBullsLeague:
    Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
  • Name your portfolio: give any name you like

Building Portfolio:

  • Stock selection: Step 1

    There are 3 ways you can add stocks to your portfolio:

  1. Trending stocks list: Simply pick any stock you like
  2. Search: You can type the name/symbol of the stock you want to add
  3. Explore Industry: Check the stocks from different industries and figure out which stocks you would like to add:
    • Click on Industry drop-down and choose any industry you like
    • Now click on Stock drop-down : all the stocks in that particular industry will be in that list
    • Select the stock you like
  • Order placement:
  1. Click on Step-2: Decide whether you want to Buy or Sell the stock. Then click that button.
  2. Click on Step-3: Order/Entry price
    You can choose from:
    • Current market price (current price of the stock)
    • Or, enter your desired Strike price (limit order: the order will execute when the market price of the stock matches the strike price mentioned by you)
  3. Click on Step-4: Exit Price
    To fully exit the stock you are adding, you can choose from:
    • On Contest Expiry (position will close at the time the contest ends)
    • Or, enter your desired Strike price (limit order: the order will execute when the market price of the stock matches the strike price mentioned by you)
  4. Click on Add Stock button
  • Final Step:
    1. You can add as many stocks in your portfolio as the contest allows - please see Rules/FAQs to know the exact limits
    2. Once you have added all the stocks that you want in your portfolio, click on Create Portfolio button
      • Click & Accept the Rules of BigBullsLeague
      • Confirm!

That’s it! Your portfolio is now competing in the #BigBullsLeague contest!

Modifying Portfolio:

Click on “pencil icon” to start modifying your portfolio

  • Adding a Stock:

    Follow the same steps as mentioned above under “Building Portfolio” to add a new stock

  • Deleting a Stock:

    Click on the “dustbin” icon or “delete” button to delete a stock (read in FAQs & Rules about what happens when you delete a stock)

  • Exiting a Stock:

    (trading stock, or closing position or, close trade..they all mean the same thing)

    Simply click on “exit” button.

    A window will open on your screen, which will:

    1. Display the total number of stocks that you own, for example, say of “Reliance”
    2. Enter the number of stocks that you want to exit
    3. Choose at what price you would like to exit the stock
      • Market price: the current price in market
      • Strike price: here you can specify the price that you desire, to exit the stock (limit order: the order will execute when the market price of the stock matches the strike price mentioned by you)
    4. The expected/projected Profit or Loss, will be shown to you below
    5. Finally, press “Confirm” to place the order. That’s it!


Please note that the data feed from BSE can be delayed up to 15 minutes or more. The data feed is neither real-time, nor tick-by-tick, or a candlestick (OHLC) snapshot for a time interval.

The data feed we receive carries the current price, or the LTP (last traded price) at that specific point in time when the data is sent/received; please factor-in the stream delay. The data feed comprises of the day’s high and day’s low from start of trading session to the end of session, that is, on an expanding window, end-to-end basis

Keeping in view the above restrictions on the data set being used, in the case that contestant(s) have chosen to enter custom entry or exit prices/triggers, but it can happen so, that the price/value selected is not captured within the scope/limitations of the data feed that is being used, and hence, the order does not gets filled/executed/completed. While in real-world real-live feed you may see that your custom/limit-order pricing conditions did occurred/matched with live feed/tick-by-tick data points. But unfortunately due to our data limitations, your order remained unfilled.

Hence, the contestant(s) expressly agrees to having read and understood this aspect the moment they choose to participate in the BigBullLeague, or related contests and agrees to accept this scenario if it so occurs in the order(s) they give, portfolio(s) they create, or the stock(s) they choose. That the contestant(s) fully understand and expressly waives their right to challenge this aspect at any point in time. That the contestant(s) shall accept without recourse, and abide by the decision of ZoomStocks in its entirety.

Deduction Table

Stock Price RangeDeduction (% reduction from gain/loss rupee value)
0-1000No deduction

The reason behind reduction of points from the gain/loss moves of your stock selection is as follows:

  • There is no virtual money involved in the contest
  • Mitigate the impact of big move in high priced stocks - since that makes any reasonable or even swing moves in the other lower priced shares, impossible to match up with the high priced stock move.
  • In reality, we see few investors having the gumption to pick high priced stocks, so this mimics the real-life scenarios
  • BUT, in no way, this is aimed at dissuading or discouraging any investor from participating/trading in high priced stocks in their real world investing decisions.
  • This rule is a step to ensure more even playing field for the participants.

Binding Terms, Policies

The certificate(s) and/or reward(s) cannot-be/are not transferable, neither can the same be redeemed for cash/money, nor are the winner(s) entitled to make such a request to ZoomStocks.

#BigBullsLeague contest will be bound by all the rules mentioned in Portfolio Rules page & several other Policy pages, as displayed in various sections of our website/app, and subject to all conditions in “One whole binding agreement” that the user undertakes to abide by, at the time of creating their account(s) with ZoomStocks

ZoomStocks reserves the right to change the following as and when desired, without any prior notification:

  • The rules, policies of the contest
  • Whether any reward(s) are being offered, and if so, the quantum, type/kind of the reward(s)

ZoomStocks may at any point in time, without any prior notification, reserves the right to introduce any feature(s)/element(s) in the BigBullsLeague contest, which may require a purchase by the user(s)/contestant(s). On similar note, ZoomStocks reserves the right to withdraw any existing feature(s)/element(s) from the contest, at any time

Portfolio Rules

The rules listed herewith pertain to various aspects when a user chooses to create portfolios and must be read carefully, so as to understand fully the nature of information shared, eligibility for leaderboard/contests, visibility

By choosing to create portfolios you give consent that all or some of the details of your portfolio will be visible to everyone on the ZoomStocks platform, whether or not they are a registered user or not, a follower of your account(s) or not.


Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly: By choosing to make a portfolio of these types, you are giving your auto-approval/consent for the following:

  • You will be entered in to our portfolio leaderboard/contest
  • All the details of your portfolio will be visible to everyone on ZoomStocks platform (visibility, as per clause 1 above)
  • All the assets/stocks in your portfolio, the prices, the profit/loss shall be visible to everyone (visibility, as per clause 1 above)

Modifications Allowance

The portfolios can be modified, depending on the portfolio type as listed below:

  • Weekly: 1 time in week
  • Monthly: 2 times in month
  • Quaterly: 3 times in quarter
  • Yearly: 6 times in year

Which actions count as portfolio Modification attempt?

After you finish creating your portfolio, the following actions will count as a Modification attempt

  • ADD: Whenever you add a new stock to your portfolio
  • DELETE: Whenever you delete a stock from your portfolio

Timelines for Contests

Contest Start dates

CategoryStart date of BigBullsLeague contest
WeeklyStarts every Monday, and ends on that week’s Friday.
MonthlyStarts 1st day of every month and ends on the last working day for the month.
QuarterlyQuarters will be 4 in number January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December; Quarter#1 will be April-Jun & so on.
YearlyYear will always run from April-March. Example: April-1-2024 - March-31-2025.


  • In the event say the 1st day, or 1st “x” number of days of the contest period, happens to be a market holiday(s), then the contest will deem to start from that day when the market is open again/re-opens.

Performance of your portfolios

Depending on the date/time, when you create the portfolios, your portfolio performance, profit/loss will depend on following factors:

  • Creation after market hours for the day; your portfolio will deemed to be active/enter contest from next working day
  • Performance, Profit/Loss of the portfolios will be pro-rated to the time/day of creation/deemed-active time/day in terms of total working time/days in the contest period. Hence you may see only a fraction of your absolute portfolio-returns/overall profit-loss, on the platform.

Expiration of Portfolios

Depending on the “type” of portfolio and the eligibility rules, the portfolios will expire as listed below:

  • Weekly: every Friday at 3:30 pm
  • Monthly: on the last working day of month, at 3:30 pm
  • Quarterly: on the last working day in the 3rd/final month of the quarter, at 3:30 pm
  • Yearly: on the last working day in the 12th/final month of the year, at 3:30 pm
  • 3:30pm as market closes. Delay in price updates will decide actual closing of portfolio. The delay can be up to 2 hours or more.

Contest Rewards and Other Rules

All the decision(s) of ZoomStocks will be binding and final, and you accept the same.

  • Cancel the contest
  • Cancel the rewards
  • Change the mode of reward
  • Choose the winner(s)
  • 3:30pm as market closes. Delay in price updates will decide actual closing of portfolio
  • Modify the yardstick for deciding the contest winners(s)

We may choose to award prizes, rewards or benefits in either form, to the qualifying portfolios, that is, to the user(s)/account(s) who created those portfolios. However, we may choose to wait till there is a certain minimum number of active portfolios on the platform, to ensure a fair competition. In that event, you shall have no right to claim any award/prize/rewards/benefits from us. However, in that duration we will still showcase the top performing or leading portfolios in various sections on ZoomStocks platforms.

In event that due to holidays or unseen events, the number of working days don’t satisfy for the qualifying duration/category condition, in that case, the decision of the leaderboard/contest winners, or top performers will be based on solely our discretion, and you in-principal give your consent towards the same, and our decision shall be undisputed, and we can also annul the rewards for the duration in consideration.

Unless announced formally by ZoomStocks, that the portfolio “contest” has started, via any communication medium whatsoever, or through official communication, there will be no promotions/give-aways/prizes given to/for any contest/leaderboard winners/toppers; neither will they be entitled to, or stand any right to demand the same.

We also reserve the right to withdraw, cancel, annul any promotions, give-aways, or prizes for the portfolio contest/leaderboard, top portfolios, #BigBullsLeague, top portfolio makers, portfolio of the week et al, purely at our discretion at any point in time, without any prior notification towards the same. All the outstanding rewards for already decided contests, shall be honored accordingly, however, any contests still running, will be stopped at that instance itself and it will be entirely the decision of ZoomStocks to reward the leaders in a pro-rated sense, or to completely abrogate the contest altogether, without giving any rewards whatsoever - and you expressly, agree and give your irrevocable consent to abide by the decision of ZoomStocks & not to challenge it at anytime.

There can be only 1 (one) unique winner from 1 household - same residential address. In case multiple winners arise from the same household/address, the winner situated at the highest position/prize will be chosen; others will be dropped. In such case it will be as per the discretion of ZoomStocks to either display the ineligible winner on the winner list, but withhold the prize/reward(s), OR choose a next eligible winner as per merit or not, and whether to give that eligible winner(s) the respective prize/reward(s) or not, OR, take any other decision as per ZoomStocks’ discretion.

In case of low participation, which amounts to a scant field of competitors, in other words a vacant field, to render the contest a non-worthy/non-competitive one and with highly frequent instances of repeat winners, in such/similar event, ZoomStocks reserves the right to annul/bypass the winners to such an extent as in where new unique winners arise OR, annul the prizes of winners of that period altogether itself, rendering them simply the rights/privilege enough to be highlighted on the winners list, media, creatives et al in the fair spirit of competition in lieu of their performance and time/effort spent thereof, OR, completely withdraw/annul all the ongoing/past advertisements, promotions, content detailing/informing the prize/rewards, subsequently withdrawing any ongoing/future prizes/rewards to any winner(s) till the time deemed fit, to renew/restart the prize/reward give aways again, meanwhile keeping the #BigBullsLeague contest running & active in every aspect, simply minus/without the reward(s)/prize(s). All these laid out conditions can be used in standalone or any combination thereof as deemed fit by/as per the sole discretion of ZoomStocks. The user(s) herewith expressly agree to abide by these terms and also waive their right to/agree not to challenge/contest the the decision of ZoomStocks in any manner/or any means whatsoever/wheresoever, howsoever.

ZoomStocks fully reserves the indisputable/non-challengeable right to withdraw/stop awarding the prize(s)/reward(s) at any point in time, without any prior notification. In such event, ZoomStocks may or may not delete/remove any/all historical communication/advertisements/content regarding the prize(s)/reward(s)/contest, as per their discretion. However, the new regime of reward/prize(s) if any, and any alteration/modification in their quantum/kind shall be duly updated in the new promotions/content/advertisements, and on all the relevant sections of the ZoomStocks website; any error(s) still remaining will be deemed totally un-intentional, and shall be duly rectified/updated as and when brought to the attention of ZoomStocks, or as and when discovered by ZoomStocks. The user(s) herewith expressly agree to abide by these terms and also waive their right to/agree not to challenge/contest the the decision of ZoomStocks in any manner/or any means whatsoever/wheresoever, howsoever.

Open only to residents of India.